The doctrine of Purgatory is like all the teaching
of the Church, perfectly reasonable. There are
many good men and women, loving God above
all things, who have often made good acts of contrition
for their past sins, but they are nevertheless
still very imperfect. It would be strange if they
who commit many daily faults, of which some are
deliberate and are done with a full knowledge that
they displease God, should at once take their place
in the company of the Saints. It would jar upon
our ideas of what is required by the holiness and
majesty of God.
Most men have never had a sorrow for sin
corresponding to its true character. It has not been,
in any wise, equivalent to the malice of sin, or the
insult offered by it to Almighty God. They have
paid but a very small portion of the debt due,
and though Our Lord's merits are of infinite value,
yet: they have not availed themselves of them as
they might. The remainder of this debt must be
paid before the justice of God is satisfied.
Most men up to the end of their lives are still
attached to some fault or imperfection displeasing
to God. They know it is not a serious sin and,
therefore, they think too lightly of it, and do not
make the efforts they might to overcome it. When
death comes, they see it in its true light, and are
pierced with sorrow and dismay and hatred of
themselves, and a desire to make satisfaction to God
by suffering the penalty of their sin. Ask yourself whether
you have reason to fear on any of these counts.